Install VitNode
Set env File
Go to /home/vitnode
and opy content from .env.eample
file to .env
After copy content from example file you need to change:
- Login token must beunique
- Your frontend url, for example
- Database user,DB_PASSWORD
- Database password,REDIS_PASSWORD
- Your backend url, for example
Build the project
pnpm docker:prod
Start VitNode
Now when you open your website in the browser, you should see the wizard install page. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Now, let's move to the security server part.
Reinstall VitNode (Experimental)
sudo docker rm -v -f $(docker ps -qa)
sudo docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
sudo docker system prune -a
sudo rm -r /home/vitnode/docker && sudo rm /home/vitnode/frontend/config/config.json